The Month of October is Italian Heritage Month

The month of October is Italian heritage month, formerly known as National Italian-American Heritage Month.
I could not find a better way to celebrate the Italian heritage month by hosting some great events for the Rienzi’s company, promoting the traditions of Italian cuisine with some of the best Italian products and some fantastic chefs coming from Italy preparing some authentic, traditional, and tasty recipes just for the many guess at the event.
We spent some amazing time at Shop Rite in New Jersey.
I had the pleasure to learn more about the wonderful relationship between the Inserra’s Family (owner of 23 Shop Rite) and Mr. Rienzi, entrepreneur, importer and Italian food producers. Forty years of friendship and collaboration! I would like to toast to their success!
Photos credit: Simone Caprifogli

We also spent a full day on the Brianna Yacht where chef Pietro Zito and Antonio Di Nunno prepared for Brindiamo! some super easy recipes to make at home with the Rienzi’s product, and they prepared a fantastic dinner for our esclusive guests accompanied by some superlative wines presented by Mr. Massimo Olivella.
Of course we filmed a great new episode of Brindiamo!

We interviewed the King of Home made pasta, Mr. Savino Maffei and he prepared for me (and the guests) a focaccia with potatoes.
Photos credit: Simone Caprifogli
Stay tune for a great episode of Brindiamo! celebrating Italy , friendship and Italian food of course!
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